Gifts and Bequests
Tax Deductions
Gifts and bequests to Forest Hill Cemetery are eligible to receive tax deductions due to the cemetery’s 501(c) (13) not-for-profit status. These tax-deductible gifts and bequests are used for the general beautification and maintenance of Forest Hill Cemetery. Check with your tax advisor about your personal circumstances.

keeping the forest growing
The cemetery’s century-old urban forest requires on-going care and attention. The removal of deadwood limbs and dead trees plus the planting of new trees helps maintain a healthy forest. Reforestation began in 1989 when Dr. Jane Bloom and her husband began planting trees in an effort to preserve the urban forest. As a volunteer and lot owner she now chairs the cemetery’s Forest Management Committee which oversees the care and replacement of trees. Since the program began, over 325 trees and 140 shrubs have been planted.